Thursday, October 30, 2008


All unemployment forms sent, check.  Looking for work has been no easy feat...yet I am still on the path.
A day ago, two former co-workers of mine had separate talks with me.  One of them brought up that here I was posting and blogging, respectfully so, however the decision of me being laid off with no regard was one man's decision.  What about the 39 other people who work there that care about me?  That here I was protesting against the name of a company that represents each of them.  I have thought about this for a little while and this is what I think:

I am a firm believer in non-violent protests.  I am not into self-immolation nor am I famous like John Lennon and Yoko Ono where a bed-in would suffice in a media driven protest.  I am but one person who has been mistreated and in protest I am saying that what occurred is NOT OK.  It may have been one man, the General Manager who made the decision.  Yet he is not the owner of the company and he certainly did not hire himself.  I can still respect my former co-workers though they choose to work for a company that chooses to operate unfairly, the same way I think that most respect what I am doing and have shown me the utmost graciousness.  

I do not know all the stories of others...this is not a smear campaign to take VinTabla down.  I am not the first who has been let go and they do have an extraordinarily high employee turnover rate...especially for a company that has only been open for two years.  However, this is a discourse of how to run a business successfully in a small town.  Succeeding in a restaurant business in this town takes a certain kind of finesse.  What you do will be known and scrutinized because this is a community of people who believe, I hope, in better business practices.  One of the reasons why Tucson still has so many independent small businesses or larger locally owned companies are because of the people who live here.

Off to find work.  Day 7.


scratch said...

Nobody fires a perfectly good employee. I think you have and attitude problem. Rather than blaming others for your problems, you need to take a good look at yourself.


Unfortunately it does happen. And you are right, reflection is key from all sides. Thank you for your comment.

udonoodles said...

It is a smear campaign. That's what "No Vintabla" and posting flyers is. Your acting like a Nazi. To metion yourself in the same breath as people like Lennon is just making you look even more ignorant. Get off yourself. Your no messiah, you were a shitty, minimum wage paid bartender. Sorry, it's called reality "Yoko". Stop wasting DES and your time and GET A JOB.


I sense you are angry and personally affected. I have not and will not be malicious. It is unfortunate that you resort to such words. I think it is important to have good dialogue.

etchmiadzin said...

Udonoodles should probably read the following:

your (yoor; unstressed yer) possessive pronominal adj. [OE. eower] of, belonging to, or done by you: also used before some titles[your Honor]

you're (yoor; unstressed yer) you are

For someone who is acting rather superior to the blogger in question, you have such a limited grasp of communication. A refresher course in the conventions of the English language, perhaps?

Might I also add that you seem to be taking the blog as a personal attack--do you own the restaurant? Somehow, I doubt the owner of an upscale restaurant would waste their time haranguing a former employee. Calm down, please slowly step away from the computer! You surely have other interests in life that do not involve spewing vitriolic comments anonymously on a blog, yes?